Organisation Development – OD Advisory Services & Change Management
"Developing a Performance Culture in your organisation"
The Intervention Approach
- Purpose (what we do, why we do)
- Values
-what we stand for
-manifested behaviours - Principles
-guidelines for policies and decision making - A baseline assessment of current cultural strengths and weaknesses.
- An understanding of current, culture relative to high performing organizations - A benchmark against which to target change efforts - relative to specific desired performance.
- A clear prioritization of short, mid and long-term change efforts - relative to the results sought for each of these time frames.
- An understanding of bottom-line related performance (profitability, sales/revenue growth, market share, quality, innovation and employee satisfaction) with direct links to cultural elements which may be supporting or hindering these performance areas.
- The development of individual leaders who can support and sustain the desired benchmarked culture.
- A shared understanding, a shared language, and shared expectations concerning culture and its implications for both individual and group results.
- An understanding and utilization of culture as a business oriented, behavioral, tangible, and results-oriented mechanism as opposed to the intangible, cumbersome, and often difficult-to-implement notions of culture.

How is this culture model different?
- Is behaviorally based
- Is designed and created within the business environment
- Uses business language to explore business-level issues
- Is linked to bottom-line business results
- Is fast and easy to implement
- Is applicable to all levels of the organization
This is a Consultative Approach where we co-create the solution by
- Understanding the "As Is" & Defining the "To Be"
- Identifying the GAP and OFI
- Developing the Practises to develop the culture - Contextualization
- Developing Capability for Culture Adoption
- Defining critical success factors and measuring them.

Our Services
Business Advisory
An educational program developed to provide business families with a better understanding of fundamental and contemporary concepts
As a tradition, we insist on working in a partnership mode with clients, in a spirit of co-creation. We do not accept assignments.
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